Previous Winners

Student Award


Zola Borgsteede

Student Award: Bachelor


Zola has demonstrated that she has exceptional leadership qualities as chair of the VIB. Her agreeable nature and commitment to creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere at VIB have resulted in increased connections among HMS students and between them and the VIB/faculty. Moreover, Zola's involvement in organizing the Faculty Day Event highlights her dedication to enhancing community engagement. Zola's impactful contributions deserve recognition for their significant role in creating a thriving and connected academic community.

Maria Bogoescu

Student Award: Master


Maria has shown exceptional dedication and performance as a member of the FSR for two years. Her positive energy and approachability make her an asset to the team, and she consistently demonstrates a willingness to help others and take initiative when required. Additionally, her internship on the role of female scientists in academia showcases a commendable societal impact. Maria's work extends beyond the confines of our faculty, leaving a lasting impression both within and outside of the VU.


Sanne Westerhout

Student Award: Bachelor


The jury was impressed by Sanne's involvement in so many extracurricular activities, as well as the excellence of these activities. She participates in numerous student activities, serves on the program committee, assists at the bachelor information sessions, and spent a year on the board of study association V.I.B. Her tenacity was clearly demonstrated during her board year at the V.I.B., where she and the other board members worked hard to ensure that students could still enjoy the student-life during a COVID-year.

Michael Gasior

Student Award: Master


Michael has excelled in her studies and several extra-curricular activities. She has shown excellent time management skills. She wants everyone to succeed and to enjoy their studies, and she shows that through the support she gives her peers. As a class year representative, she advocates for her classmates and as an international student ambassador, she has extolled the value of the program to prospective students. Her research work contributes to major societal issues, childhood adversity and to a World Health Organization scientific brief on mental health symptomatology during COVID.


Gabriel Zanella

Student Award: Bachelor


Gabriel is a kind and intelligent student with an amazing academic performance. He finished his bachelor with honours programme and helped other students along the way as a tutor for Statistics. He is passionate about diversity and inclusion. During his studies he joined the VU Pride network to organize events and contributed to make the VU a more inclusive place!

Suraj Harylallsingh

Student Award: Master


Suraj’s enthusiasm doesn’t stay unnoticed by anyone. He puts effort in a lot of different things. He organized several excursions to research institutes, was the initiator of a study trip to Prague for classmates, has been a member of the programme committee, rewrote texts for the VU-website, stayed in touch with students who needed some extra motivation during this year and did many other things. In his own words “Contributing to the education of others in such varied ways has been a wonderful experience!”


Lara Bodewitz

StudenTalent: Bachelor


Lara is a student who thinks about education, you can see that in her work for the educational committee. She stands out in the way she reflects on education and is always looking for improvement. She is someone who makes contact and seeks connection and this makes her involvement in the program committee, the VSPVU and career days very valuable. You can also see this in the way she stands up for master- and international students through the VSPVU. 

Lars In 't Veld

StudenTalent: Master


Lars is a very active student. He has been a board member of the V.I.B., a council member of the FSR and this year he created a sustainable plan to bring the career day of Human Movement Sciences to a higher level. When the day was cancelled due to the COVID-19 measures, he changed the day impressively quickly to a very successful online career week. 


Damian Waij

StudenTalent: Bachelor


Damian impressed the jury with the number of activities he undertakes besides his study of which quite a few are directed at improving the quality of (study)life of his fellow students. Prime examples being his work as the chairman of the VSPVU Convention committee, the treasurer of the VSPVU board and participating in the program committee of the bachelor Psychology.

Stef Beijk

StudenTalent: Master


Stef impressed the jury with his ability to manage the broad range of activities he does besides his study whilst also keeping his grades at peak level (8.1 GPA). He is co-founder and shareholder of the social enterprise Fitsurance B.V., a member of the program committee of the research master Human Movement Sciences and is co-author in a study into the effects of cerebral hemorrhage on kinematics and muscle activation patterns in rats.